Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The home birth of Kate

Kate's birth story. 

(Pictures by Carissa Pierce Photography)

The night before Kate was born, I had a few contractions sometime around midnight. I got up to go to the bathroom. I told her, “No, not now. I don't want to start this in the middle of the night. I'm tired.” So I went back bed. The contractions lasted about another 15 mins, then I fell asleep.

The morning started with a small cramping at about 7 am. Shortly after that, our oldest daughter Lily crawled into bed and cuddled with me. The contractions kept coming. Since I had been having quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions the last few weeks, I didn't know whether to wake up Kris (my husband) and tell him right away, but they were stronger then they had been.

Lily asked for cereal I told her to ask daddy. He got up when his alarm went off a minuet later. I lay in bed trying to time the contractions and debating with myself to tell my hubby or not. I waited till almost 7:30; the contractions were still there. Kris came in the room to get ready for work. I told him I had been having contractions just so he would have a heads up. He asked how far apart they were and how strong. I said they were about 5 min apart not real painful, so he continued to get ready. He went to go get in the shower then came right back out and sat next to me and said, “Do you think this is it?” I said I didn't know yet, but the contractions were stronger. I told him to go ahead and get ready and that I would know in a little while. He went to go get ready.

I really wanted to stay in bed, but decided I should get up and walk around and see what happened. I went to the bathroom first and guess what, a little bloody show (sorry, a little TMI for some). I told Kris. I was starting to think, “Yep this is it.” Kris said I should call Audery our midwife. I said that it still could be nothing. I didn't want to get excited just yet. By this time Emma was awake and I had gone to get her, so as I was walking around taking care of the kids, the contractions weren't as noticeable. The cramping was farther apart.

When Kris got out of the shower he said, “I'm pretty sure that contractions with bloody show is something the midwife wanted a call about.” I told him that I would call her, so I paged her and she got right back to me. I told her what was going on. She said to give her a call back in 45 mins with an update. She had a lady coming for an appointment that morning and needed to give her a call to cancel if need be by then. She also told me to give the rest of my team a heads up. I said, “Okay, I should know by then.”

Kris continued to get ready and we agreed he could go in to work and I'd be able to call him home if need be. There were other people there to take over so he could come back home ASAP. Then I called our friend Miceal to see if she was busy so she could come get the kids if I needed her too. She said she would whenever I wanted her to.

I continued to have contractions and the kids were really starting to bug me as I was getting anxious for labor starting. 45 mins later I was like, “Yep! This is definitely it!” I called Audrey back to have her come. Then I called Kris home from work and Miceal to come get the kids. Then I called our photographer Carrisa. She didn't answer! I left her a message. I thought to myself, “It's okay, I don't go as fast as Danielle. She'll make it in time.”

By now, the kids were running through the house. Why did they have to be so wound up!? I should have sent them away sooner. I was trying to process what was happening now. Then I was like, “We need to get the bed ready!” The waterproof sheet wasn't on it yet. I was trying to get it ready, but the kids were getting into stuff and the contractions were hurting a little now. “Hurry Kris”, I thought.

I called Danielle to tell her I was in labor, even though she wouldn't be able to make it. She had just had her baby two nights before. She asked if I wanted her to come. I told her, “No way! You have to stay home; you just had a baby, too! I'll be just fine.” Silly girl... I was sad she didn't get to be there, but thats just the way things turned out. I think we kind of knew that one or the other would miss the others birth.

Then I got online and posted on Facebook while waiting. I told Lily she was going to meet baby Kate today. She was excited. Then I told her she was going to see a friend and I think she forgot all about the baby thing. Kris finally showed up. I told him he needed to get the bed ready. He was already thinking that. “What a good hubby”, I thought. Then I got a call from the photographer. She was getting ready and would be on her way soon. Okay, cool. Everything was in place. Miceal showed up not long after Kris got home. The roads were icy that morning so it was slow driving. Everyone needed to park at the top of our drive way or risk not being able to get back out. Kris helped get the car seats in Miceal's van while I gave her the kids things and kissed them goodbye. Then they left. Sigh of relief! I could relax a little now.

Audrey and her assistant Stacey showed up a little after 9:30am. She checked me and I was 4cm dilated. A little after that, Carrisa showed up. Everyone was here; time to get to work.

 3 hours in the contractions weren't too bad. They were getting painful but I could still walk and talk through them. Everyone was getting things ready around me. I got online a bit and talked to our midwife and photographer.

 Then Audrey suggested we go for a walk since it was such a nice day outside. If I kept moving, it would help keep things progressing. I agreed and we headed outside. Carissa came with us; what great pictures we could got in the snow and sunshine. We headed down the drive way and back. I had to stop with each contraction, leaning on Kris for support. He noted that we stopped in the same places for my contractions on the way back to the house that we had on the way out. It was cold outside so we only did one trip and came back in the house.

Now I was getting tired and wanted to sit down. But I was still able to talk in between contractions. I even updated everyone on Facebook and my midwife said, “We will start taking you seriously when you stop wanting to update Facebook.” LOL! That was at about 11am, 4 hours in. Shortly after that they did get serious and I just wanted to lay down. But it felt better to stand up and lean over with each contraction. In between, I would lay down on the couch. I started to get warm, too.

I kind of lost sense of time after that. But I think close to 11am, but from looking at the time stamp on the photos I now know it was after noon when Audery asked if I wanted to head into the bedroom. I said I didn't know, she said, “I think its a good idea, soon you might not be able to make it.” I agreed and we headed into the bedroom. I crawled into bed with the help of Kris. I didn't realize how close to giving birth to baby Kate I really was until that point. It was like all the sudden it got real intense. I thought, “Oh my! This is really hurting. Her coming out is going to hurt, too.”

I didn't have much time between contractions. I was trying to breathe and calm myself down. Kris was rubbing my back, which felt good. Audrey said we would know when I was ready, because I would want to take off my pants. I wasn't so sure I would know when that was, and in the end she was the one who suggested it was time. By then I thought I didn't want to do this anymore. My hips had really started to hurt. I wasn't sure who was doing it but someone started to push my hips together, which felt nice. But I wanted Kris to stop rubbing my back and just hold my hand. Then it was time to push and get this baby out. I tried several positions, which was quite a challenge to move from one to another. Audry checked me to make sure I was all ready. My water hadn't broken yet, and she asked if she could break it. I okayed her to, and I felt a gush, a second of relief, followed by a contraction that I hoped would just get her out.

  I was starting to lose control, but baby was being stubborn. My hips were killing me with every contraction. It seemed like a long time but found out it was only 16 mins of pushing. It seemed that every position I tried was not working,

Audrey finally said, “Lets get her squatting on the floor. Kris, hold her up from behind.” I pretty much got carried to the edge of the bed and onto the floor. I was feeling like I wanted to just stop. As soon as I was in a squatting position, I felt and saw her coming out. And ohhh did it burn! I wanted her out! Audrey had to remind me that I could do it, because I thought I would pass out. I watched as she slid out of me with the next contraction. AHHH, it was over!
  I put my hands around her but asked Stacey to help me hold her up, since I was so tired. Her cord was short, so I couldn't pull her up to a comfortable position.

  I sank down to sit on the floor and she was put close to me. We all stayed on the floor for a bit.


Then it was a collaborative effort to move baby and I, with her cord still attached, up onto the bed. There we waited for the placenta to come out. I was still in pain but trying to look at my new baby who was crying in my arms. When the cord stopped pulsing, Kris cut the cord and I asked him to take her

Not sure how long it took, but my placenta finally came out. The pain was still there, though. Mainly it was just burning and I asked if I tore. Audrey said they would check in a little bit. I took Kate back and tried to nurse her. She wasn't too interested quite yet. I tried to just relax. Audrey checked me out. I tore just a little but she thought it would be good to stitch me up. I said that would be okay. Daddy held and sang to baby Kate while she stitched me up. Kate loved listening to her daddy, and was very content in his arms.

After she stitched me up, I went to the bathroom ahhh... no problems. I felt so much better after she stitched me up. I was able to nurse Kate and relax. Everyone had left the room and it was just Kris and I together enjoying our newborn. I was so glad it was over and said, “Never again!” LOL! (I said the same thing after the birth of each of my babies.)  I kissed Kate and told her I couldn't wait for her sisters to meet her.


 A little while later Audrey and Stacey came back in to look Kate over and take measurements and weigh her. Audrey though she was close to 8 lbs. I wasn't so sure she was that big. And voila! 7lbs 8oz! Not long after all that, everyone left and we were left alone. And I finally got to close my eyes for a bit.

 Soon after the birth team left. My mom showed up she was taking the older girls for a few days so I could rest in quiet. Then the girls showed up and we got to introduce them to their new baby sister.

 They were both in awe. Emma wanted to give her loves right away.
 Lily got to hold her first.

 Emma wanted to hold her too and got very upset when I took her back. She cried "My baby!"

It went like I thought my home birth experience would be. It was great to be able to stay at home through he whole thing. I'm very happy with the way it all went.

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