Thursday, January 2, 2014



So I was just thinking how I wish I could forget the words people have said to me to make me feel bad about myself, to make me feel stupid. When really it was them who was the problem. Just words right? Words have such power. I was also thinking that these bad memories are not any from my parents. I was even spanked as a kid. Gasp! But I have no resentment or hatred towards them. Whether you want to spank your kids or not, I don't care. My point is, it did no damage to me. That is just my experience. 

Anyways back to words. Words have so many meanings. My husband could probably tell you 10 meanings for one word you have never even heard of. Okay I'm exaggerating a little. Just a little.
Words can break us or make us. So I tell my girls they are pretty and I love them every day. And especially if they are in a bad mood or get in trouble. Words we tell ourselves can hurt us or make us feel better. God's words were given to us to help us. 

A friend of mine posted a video of  the Today show about just having one word you focus on the whole year; a positive word, something to work towards. My first thought was, "I don't know. How am I going to come up with one word?" I didn't have to think long before it sort of just came to me. Then I watched the video and liked the idea even more. Here for the video. My word is Happy. I just want to be happy with what ever life throws me. I want to wake up happy to be alive, happy for another day.  I want others to see that I am happy because I think happiness is contagious. I want to make others happy. When my friends and family are happy it makes me happy. I feel very deep. By that I mean that I take on the emotions of other people I care about. I feel like I can feel what they are feeling. Maybe because I have been through a lot myself. Or that's just how I was made. I want to spread good cheer

So just remember, when your about to say something to yourself or others, it might effect them for the rest of their lives, for the better or worse.
Three of mine

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