Friday, October 23, 2015

For my Beautiful, Strong, Brave, hurting Friend Danielle and Smiley, Sweet, Adventurer Baby in heaven Judah

 I will never forget the night you Judah, were born as well I'm sure  your mother never well. Your Strong, Beautiful mama brought you peacefully into this world with your dad by her side.  So graceful and calm. Not hardly a peep you made snuggled up to your mamma. I watched quietly on the side lines in awe not wanting to disturb the scene. I stayed a little while then quietly said good bye and kissed you and your mom.  
Your surrogate sisters, my girls,were so excited you were born. They loved having you at our house everyday to hold her and love on you. You were such an easy baby to watch. (Once I figured out you like to be swaddled up all warm to sleep.) We watched you grow into a happy, personality filled baby. I loved your smile you had for me every morning.

Summer was fun you were all over the place wanting to follow the big kids where ever they went. You loved water and had a blast when we went to the creek. 

I'm sorry I was ever frustrated by your non napping stubbornness. But I loved it when you fell asleep on me and I took the time to sit and enjoy a baby sleeping peacefully on my chest.  

I will never forget when I heard the news you left us it brought me to my knees Oh baby Judah you left us too soon but we know you are safe and happy in the arms of Jesus. You make us remember the important things in life.

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