Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 in review.

I got a job with our local private christian school and deiced to put Lily in school for the first time!
Lily's first day of First grade January 20th
and Emma started preschool. I can't find any pictures of her in her class :(
Kate Turned 3 on January 23!
She had a party with Timmy her very close birthday buddy. On the 23rd we went skating with Lily's school.

On January 28th we got our first puppy as a family The girls loved him 

Valentine parties and Lily losing teeth


  Anna my baby sister turning 18!

 only picture in March ready for church early pic

Not many people know that I looked like I had the chicken pox's for 8 months. I broke out in these spots in March of this year all over my body, didn't know what they were for a quite a while saw a doctor who said they looked like flea bites but we didn't have fleas. well I saw one but took care of it. I was so self conscious and depressed because of them. for a while I was dreading summer how was I going to hid them. Then I remembered that my dad used to get these same types of spots This realization came in June when I asked my dad about them he said yep looks like the same thing. It was some sort of enema. After more researching I came across it looking more the psoriasis. I fond oils that helped take the itch away and slowly the sun helped too. Now I just have dark spots on my legs and scars on my stomach from the spots. And occasionally still itch.

 Our first time at Great Wolf Lodge just the water park for my niece's birthday Jordyn who turned 5 on the 1st!

 Easter egg hunt with friends on the 6th



 Easter Sunday! April 7


 April 12th I turned 30!! Went to an awesome concert thanks to my brother in law! 
We were in a suite. 

 Emma Turned 5! on the 29th
  We went to the Zoo

May 14th Kate pooped her elbow out of joint had to go to the ER they just put it back and she was fine. Second time I have had to take Kate to the ER for her arm.

May 18th Lily turned 7!

 At her class!

  We had a birthday party for both Lily and Emma

Went for a little hike at Shelton creek on May 25th


  Emma's last day of preschool at the park. Her teacher Mrs Dale June 2nd
 Slip and slide at school last day of PE
 June 5th first swim in the creek
My baby sister Anna graduated High school June 7th
My niece Sidney got to fly in from Alaska to stay with us!

We had many adventures with Sidney in June
                                           End of the year bbq and Lake fun for school
                                                           Wild waves!
                                                                       Creek fun!
        It was hard to see her go!

Lily's last day of school June 9th!

First Ballet recital June 26th!

 Chuck e cheese fun with Melisa and Fox

June 27th Skok river fun with friends Emma went off the rope swing!  
It was a scorching hot day. The river felt so good!


 Beach fun at walker Park
 June 30th

July 2nd first Lake day at Mason lake!  We spent many hot days enjoying the water!

 This is July 3rd.

 We had a house full of boys every Friday in the summer. Many days spent at the creek.

                                  Emma and Lily took swim lessons in July and gained a confidence and skills.

July 4th 
We spent the day with the Carnahan's at timberlakes at Terri's house

There had already been multiple fires in our area so I had Kris stay home with the dog and watch our house.  2015 was a horrible fire year.  A fire ran through my old town of Tonasket this year.  What a hard year it was.

  July 8th we went to Hoquim YMCA to there "water park" Lily was fishing with dad and unvle Josh and family in C-Q daddy didn't get any pics of Lily.

 July 17th we saw the reptile man at the local Library

 July 16 we went on the ferry with my friend Crystal over to Seattle and spent the day walking around. It was the girls first trip on a ferry they loved it!

Another day at Mason Lake

 August 10th
We had a cousins camping trip to Lake Cushman.

 I almost lost Emma to drowning this day. She was told not to go into the lake over on this side. She though she could swim and went in. There was a drop off and she was struggling to stay up. I tried to run to her. I jumped in the lake to swim to her with all my clothes on yelling at her to get out. Thank God she finally listen before she got too tired and didn't go out far from the shore.

On August 19th we went to Westport for the day and night with my mom, step dad and sister. We went to the beach and flew kites. It was a very windy day. the girl had fun for about 2 seconds. Lily had a cut on her foot and made the mistake of playing in the waves.  Still fun memories.

 We stopped by the light house there and Lily, Emma and me took the 100 and something stairs to the top. It was cool!

 on August 25th we took advantage of the free day at Mount Rainer national park and went up to paradise and took a hike. The Kids did great! It was a gorgeous day.

 September 9th First day of school!


 Emma and cousin Jordyn in the same kindergarten class!

 Kate in her preschool class the first day!

 September 10th our little world here in Shelton crashed down 
It's hard to even write this now 3 months later tears roll down my face.
This pain will be a part of me the rest of my life the healing will continue the rest of our life's as well.

My best Friend Danielle Rylander's youngest son of 12 months died in his sleep taking a nap that afternoon and never woke up. I was at the school just finished up teaching PE for the day when my other Best friend who is the Kindergarten teacher grabbed me into the office and tols me we need to leave right then. She wouldn't tell me why at first and I started to freak out knowing well something bad a had happened.  She finally told me after I insisted on knowing right then what was going on. She told me Danielle's baby passed away. 
I fell to the ground in a ball of tears crying out. OH MY GOD!
 It was not real it couldn't be. I was a mess I didn't know how I was going to comfort my friend I just couldn't image her pain so much worse then mine. I was looking forward to just having Judah and Timmy on Fridays once school started. I just couldn't believe what just happened. It was a night mare.
Thank God for Ashely who was strong for the both of us and talked very wise words. 
Laurie the pastors wife for First Baptist church in town (where the Rylanders had just started to attend) had found us really unbeknownst to her really. But she drove us to the hospital but Danielle was already at home. We went to her house and went in quietly. I just sat down in front of Danielle and told her I was there for her. As she wiped tears from her eyes and spoke about knowing that Judah was ok and with Jesus. I cried with her and hugged her tight. We didn't stay long wanting to give her time with her family.  



  He was such a happy guy!

 Went on a road trip on September 18 to take my baby sister to college

 Then we my mom and step mom went to Leavenworth it was a great time away and I so needed it even if it was hard to be away too.


 September 22nd had to say good bye to a good friend who was off to a new chapter in her family's life in Hawaii.

 smile through the tears! 

On the 23rd Emma fell from the rings at school and broke her wrist and elbow right in front of me!



October 3rd the memorial for baby JJ The last good bye in a string of events for his family to lay him to rest. I attended his viewing and the grave side service.  I felt I needed to be there through everything to show my love and support for my friend that I would be their with her always.  I was there when he was born and was there to see the last of his body here on earth.

 October 17th Schilter's farm

 October 19th Hunters pumpkin ptach with Lily's class


 Octoober 21st Pumpkin patch with Emma's class



 Emma got her cast of on the 28th




 We had a dance party with friends Halloween night


November 14 we took a look at the creek after weeks of non stop rain. 
 I made my first homemade pumpkin pie puree for thanksgiving


 Thanksgiving! WE hosted this year! 

 December 5th First Friday Christmas fun downtown
We did the parade with the school too on Saturday 
but it was raining horribly and it was an awful experience for all

December 9th the creek was really flooded now

 December 11th 3 months

December 12 Lily's first salon hair cut!


 December 14 got our Christmas tree


 "Ginger" bread house making at school



 School Christmas program Our very first one!

 Christmas eve!

 At my dads Christmas Eve

 Christmas morning!

 We hosted Christmas day with Kris family and my mom, step day and baby sister!

Kris got me boots for Christmas!

 We got snow on the 27th!

Ended the year with a date night no kids at home with hubs! 

 Selfie with my girls safe at home with me!

Lily our night owl

                                                             Happy New Year!

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