Friday, December 27, 2013

2013 recap.

Year 2013 recap.

In January my third baby girl turned 1! We had a wonderful big co-party with friend's who's little girl also turned one in Janurary.
 In March Lily started ballet classes. Emma started in April.

In April Emma turned 3! I turned 28!
   In May Lily turned 5! 
We did a tea party birthday in May for both girls.
 For mothers day I got to go away for my first overnight trip since Kate was born to Ocean Shores with a few friends. 

In the spring Kris build a chicken coop and got us 8 chickens and we planted our do my very first vegetable garden. By October we were left with only one lonely chicken.

 Also in May Kris and I celebrated 7 years of marriage.

 In June we finally got approved for our very first home loan and started the long and stressful journey to find the right home. We put an offer on a house in July only to wait two months for it to fall through. So back to looking.  
During the summer we went down to Oregon twice and stooped by the ocean on our way down the first time.

 2013 was my third year teaching my gymnastic classes. I decided it was time for a much needed break in September form being a business owner and just get back to being a stay at home mommy. 
I started homeschooling Lily for Kindergarten and she is progressing very well I think.

My good friend got me to be involved in MOPS (mothers of preschoolers, a group for moms).  Which I was very hesitant to do at first but I have really enjoyed it!
 In October I got into the fun of Halloween with the girls.

 In November Kris turned 29! Also in November we found a new house I actually like a lot better then the first one.  We had a big thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. First holiday get together with that side in over 10 years. I think we figured it was something like 15 years for a Thanksgiving.

December was a lot of getting ready our 4 Christmases. I was in the spirit of making presents for everyone and occupied my self with that. Christmas was great all of them! Although I hope to not be so overwhelmed and exhausted next year. Live and learn.

So That was our year. What well 2014 hold for us?  Moving forward I hope.

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