Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Just do it!

Exactly!!! Take a chance, chase a dream cause ur not guaranteed tomorrow! Get out there and live life with no regrets!

  It's not that hard people just do it! Life can be hard yes, but I think we make it harder then it needs to be. Jesus did the hard work for us. All we have to do is trust in him. Believe that he knows best and go with it. We are not perfect nothing is ever going to be perfect. Life is messy but Jesus is going to clean it all up in the end. I can't do this life without him. What would be the point? I can't be the perfectly wonderful mother my kids need. But Jesus can full fill that. I know I need God's grace on me because I mess up all the time. Just as we still love our children no matter what they do because they are ours. God loves those who are his, the ones Jesus paid the price for.  So just do life. Take what God has given you and multiply it. Use your gifts stop worrying and go love. Just do it! It doesn't have to be perfect. Now if we, including me could just live by this it would be perfect right? ha ha ha. Perfect in the sense that yes life could be good. But we don't, I don't, I forget. Then God gives us this messy messy stuff to deal with and show us how messed up we are and drives us back to him saving I am the only one who is prefect. I am the only one who can solve this. You need me to give you peace and rest. Lay your burden on me it's too heavy for you to carry alone. Yes he gave me everything I needed.  He gave me Jesus!

Amazing! Especially since he got nailed to the cross, the nail there makes so much sense!

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