Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fast and Furious ( Birth of Emma Lee)

Fast and Furious 
(Birth story of Emma Lee) 

Notice how I don't have a hospital grown on? That's cause there was no time. 

 I went into labor at 6:30 in the morning on April 29th, 2010. I woke up with cramps and just laid there for a little while to see if this was the real deal. Lily woke up and cuddled with me. At about 7:00, I went and woke up Kris letting him know I was in labor. Then I called my mom who was coming to watch Lily for us. The contractions were mild at first but quickly picked up with in a hour. I was getting very anxious waiting to leave. My mom was coming from Yelm, an hour away. The contractions were getting very intense. I was almost going to leave to the hospital and have my mom meet us there, when she finally showed up at almost 9:00.  I kissed Lily good bye and we rushed out to the car.  Emma was coming and I didn't want to have her in the car. In hindsight, I don't think it would have been so bad, considering the hospital experience I had with her birth.

Anyways, I was ready to push in the car, but kept that knowledge to my self, afraid to freak out Kris. We arrived at the hospital 15 minuets later and I could barely walk to the entrance. Once inside, all I had to say was that I was in labor, and they could all plainly see I was very near to having the baby. They rushed me right back to labor and delivery. A nurse handed me a grown to change into and I went into the bathroom, but only got my pants off when another contraction came and someone rushed in to say, "Don't push"! It sounds like you are pushing," then they rushed me onto the bed. All the staff there seemed very frazzled, like they had never seen a baby coming so fast. Which could have been the case, since it is such a small hospital, but I didn't really want freaked out nurses and doctors working on me.  I was laying on my side where I felt the most comfortable and they made me turn on my back, told me to wait for the doctor, and not to push. But she was coming whether anyone wanted her to or not.

I was screaming and wanted to reach down and pull her out myself. My you-know-what hurt like nothing else! The doctor barely got there to catch her as she came out, yet soon enough to cut me (episiotomy), I'm pretty sure with no numbing. Emma arrived at 9:36 am They took her over to check her out immediately after she was out. I didn't get that skin to skin like I did with Lily. But Emma was perfectly fine in every way. My biggest baby at 7 lbs. 12oz. She was wiped out just as much as I was from the birth, and after the initial screaming once out of me, she just wanted to sleep and sleep. Meanwhile the doctor was trying to sew me up without me being completely numb and I was not happy. I said I could feel that, and was in a lot of pain. I really do think it must of been her first time dealing with this kind of birth, 'cause she seemed very upset.  My body hurt so bad all over, afterward. I had a great sleeping newborn but didn't get any sleep myself. I was still happy to have my second baby girl by my side instead of inside me.

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