Thursday, April 24, 2014

More than just buying a house.

Photo: HOME SWEET HOME! Thank you all who helped us today!! I can't say enough how much it meant! Tito Emily Lyro, Allison Porter tell Art and the boys thank you again! Ashley Rae Lake and tell Stephen thanks again! Terry and Diane thank you! Kristopher Kord tag your friend Oren and say thanks again! Krisztina Whittle and tell Kevin thank you! David and Miceal Carnahan thank you for coming and helping me unpack and get the kitchen all put together! Danielle Rylander and Sage for watching our girls! I don't deserve all of you! Love you all! I can't believe we are here!

I never thought this day would come. I had given up before we ever started looking for a house. We started this journey more than 2 years ago. We thought we wouldn't be able to stay in Kris' uncle's house anymore because of other circumstances.  We put in our application for a loan in January of 2012.  We didn't hear anything back for months. The circumstances got worked out so it wasn't necessary for us to have to move anymore. So we had gotten ourselves comfortable with the idea of just staying put and making his house work. Then at the end of May 2012 we finally got a letter saying we were approved for a 0% down loan. My husband called and told me. I had to think for a moment. I had just gotten content with staying where we were. We had just put in a small garden with plans for more. Kris had build a chicken coop in the back yard and we had 8 chickens. Did we really want to buy a house after all? My husband did. I was wondering, why does it always seem to happen that when I get content with an idea, God throws something else in? I went along with my husband and we started looking at houses online.

Lets fast forward a year and several houses later. We found a house that we really liked and had seemed was going to work out. We put an offer in in November of 2013. Again after several months, disappointments, and hair pulling out stress, I had finally got my heart content that it might just never happen. That we could still make his uncle's house work. We didn't hate living there. All the land was nice to live on. We didn't need a bigger house to be happy or to live well.  But we still prayed that we would get this house. Prayed that God's will be done, and that if we were supposed to get this house it would all work out. It finally has! After 5 months of waiting, waiting, and more waiting it has happened. This is the day of signing and I have been like a child at Christmas time. It is more than just buying a house. It means a more comfortable space for us to all live in. It means being organized.  It means getting to have company over!  It means having a place for my gymnastics equipment so it can be used and not sitting in a shed gathering dust and mold. It means a second bathroom! I have never had my own bathroom. I grew up with two sisters and we all shared a bathroom and bedroom over the years. It means 3 bedrooms so maybe I can get Kate to go to sleep and stay asleep better, because we won't have to worry about her waking up her sisters.  It means living closer to everything and everyone in town. While I have always lived a ways out of town it will be nice to not have such a long dive into town and back home. It means no more muddy feet on the way to the car. It means I can have a clean car for more than 2 days after I wash it. It means I won't be stuck in my drive way when there is only an inch of snow on the ground. It means a more manageable yard. While all the land was nice and has it's benefits it is a lot of work to keep up on with 3 little kids and a husband that works full time. See, buying this house means so much more than owning our own home, or any status symbol, it is so much more.

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